Web developer, tech enthusiast, and R&R Technologies

Meet Đào Khôi Nguyên, a dude from Hanoi, a city that doesn't rain like Vancouver but is sunny enough to melt my ice cream every time I try to dash outside for a treat. As a kiddo, instead of dismantling toys (and facing the wrath of mom for failing to put them back together), I found myself utterly smitten by technology. With 7 years in software and another 4 diving deep into Digital Marketing, I'm currently the "Tech Manager" of the technical room at Novaon Digital.

My Top Skills
Recent Projects
Netflix Clone

Netflix Clone

This project is a Netflix clone that was built using cutting-edge technologies such as TypeScript, Next.js, React, Hasura, Supabase, GraphQL, Magic, and more.

Coffee Shops - Discover and Favourite Coffee Shops near you!

Coffee Shops - Discover and Favourite Coffee Shops near you!

This project served as a learning tool for me to get more familiar with the advanced features of Next.js and to learn more about the use of Airtable as a database. I also wanted to learn more about the use of SWR to handle data fetching and caching. I wanted to learn about creating API routes and using Airtable to store data.

TypeScriptNext.jsSWRAirtableFoursquare API
Nextjs Tailwind Template

Nextjs Tailwind Template

This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS starter template intended to be used as a portfolio or personal website. It comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies, tools, and best practices. It's built to be easily configured, customized and extended. It's also fully responsive and mobile friendly.

ReactNextjsTailwind CSSFramer Motion
E-commerce Website with TypeScript, React, Redux and Firebase

E-commerce Website with TypeScript, React, Redux and Firebase

This is a project that I built while learning React and Redux. It is a fully functional e-commerce website that allows users to sign in with their Google account, add items to their cart, and make payments with Stripe. It is built with TypeScript, React, Redux, Firebase, Stripe, and Tailwind.

ReactReduxFirebaseStripeTailwind CSS
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